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orchard agrikem snail pellet spacer

orchard agri chemicals

As a vegetable farmer, in addition to all the other pests you also need to take slugs and snails into consideration. Failure to do so could lead to significant losses.

pepper plants montaguePepper plants - Montague

Keep the following in mind when planning your next planting to minimise slug and snail damage in vegetables:

  • Treat the designated planting area with snail bait pellets a month or two in advance. It is best to use a rain proof pellet (like the Orchard Agri Chemicals Prima pellet). You will reduce the slug and snail population and so doing minimise the damage to young seedlings.
  • If you are planning to use plastic ground cover, ensure that the pellets are set down before the plant starts to sprout.
  • Spread pellets around the border areas of the new planting. This will deter slugs and snails coming from other sections to migrate into the area newly planted.
  • Use traps for monitoring. This will help you to measure the result you are getting with the snail bait pellets. It will also help you to determine if the correct kg/ha was applied. See the SlugPro section on our website for more information.
  • Ensure that you use the correct pellet for the species of slug or snail. Have a look at the Info Centre on our website.

Contact us on 071 485 2550 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. together, we can solve your snail problem.

The Slugpro programme has helped us enormously in knowing exactly when to apply snail bait pellets. In the past, we just assumed that snails bred in spring. Now that we know exactly when
