Slugs and snails usually feed on the lower part of plants, eating partly or completely through the leaf. They leave narrow, irregular, linear tracks or scars of various lengths. Severe feeding can result in split or tattered leaves that resembles damage from hailstorms. Normally, damage is severe only on emerging to four-leaf stage corn.
Stand losses due to slug and snails feeding often occur when fields are too wet for seed slots to properly close during planting operations and remain open during early plant growth. In this situation, slugs are able to feed day or night on the seedlings, often destroying the growing point. Later in the growing season, slugs and snails can be observed feeding on brace roots, which appear not to be much of an economic concern.
Applications are mostly targeted at surface-active slugs and snails. Use SLUGPRO to assess populations. Once the level of risk and required dosage is established, consider using SLUGGEM®, SLUGGIT® or SLUGGER® snail bait pellets.
Continue to monitor the crop via SLUGPRO after applications and make follow up applications if necessary. Continue snail monitoring even if numbers are low, as numbers can increase rapidly over a short period.
An even distribution is important to ensure targeted species come into contact with pellets as soon as possible. Calibrate your equipment accurately. Cultural Control practices can help reduce your pellet.