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orchard agrikem snail pellet spacer

orchard agri chemicals

sluggem prima snail baitSluggem Prima snail bait pellets (L10203) with 30g/kg Metaldehyde and 20g/kg Carbaryl as active ingredients has been especially formulated to last longer in rainy conditions. Field test carried out at Roodebloem Farm, Caledon, proofed that with a 4mm daily rainfall pattern ("showerproof"), or a 10mm ("rainproof") daily rainfall pattern Sluggem Prima declined at a significantly slower rate compared with a reference product.

And that for the duration of the test the integrity remains such that the snail bait pellets are still viable, palatable and unlikely to significantly disappear into the soil structure. Sluggem Prima snail bait is formulated with carbaryl, partly to increase the spectrum of pests controlled to include soil and debris-dwelling insects.

The smaller pellet size of our snail bait pellets cover a greater area and are most reliable when temperatures are warm, or following rain when snails and slugs are active. Placing snail bait repeatedly in the same areas maximises control because snails tend to return to food source sites. Available in 25kg, 500kg and 1 ton units.

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For urgent matters, please reach out to our Sales & Marketing Manager, Heinrich Lategan, at 082 378 3575 or by email at


+27 (0)23 347 2754
