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orchard agrikem snail pellet spacer

orchard agri chemicals


Company Information: Orchard Agrikem (Pty) Ltd
Address: P.O. Box 94
Telephone: (27) 23 347 2646
Fax: (27) 23 347 2755
Cell: (27) 82 338 6228
Tygerberg Poison Center: (021) 931 6129

Product Name: Sluggit Mix
CASNo. See Composition/Information of ingredients
Molecular weight: Not applicable (mixture)

Recommended use: For the control of slugs and snails
Appearance: Blue or red snail bait pellets with faint paraformaldehyde odor.

Ingredient Cas No. Percent Hazardous
Captan 133-06-2  05g/kg Low
Metaldehyde 9002-91-9  15g/kg Moderate
Inert Ingredients     Non-hazardous


Emergency Overview This product is of low oral toxicity and under normal conditions of use should present no significant health hazards. However, handling precautions should be strictly observed.
Health Rating: 1 – slight
Flammability Rating: 1 – slight
Reactivity Rating: 1 – slight (Incompatible with strong oxidizers)
Environment Rating: 3 – none

Skin Contact: Immediately wash contaminated skin with plenty of water followed by soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
If redness, itching, or a burning sensation develops, get medical attention. Seek medical attention if irritation develops or persists.
Eye Contact: Rinse immediately with plenty of water until irritation subsides. After initial flushing, remove any contact lenses and continue flushing for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, obtain medical advice. Have eyes examined and treated by medical personnel.
Ingestion: Rinse mouth with water. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting since it is important that no amount of the material should enter the lungs (aspiration). Contact physician, Poison Center or emergency clinic
before inducing vomiting. Keep at rest. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get prompt medical attention.
Inhalation: Remove victim from exposure. Provide fresh air. Remove contaminated clothing and loosen remaining clothing. Allow patient to assume most comfortable position and keep warm. Seek medical advice.
Notice to physician: Treat symptomatically. For the active constituent metaldehyde: Effects may be delayed. Remove metaldehyde by gastric lavage with a 2-5% sodium bicarbonate solution and activated charcoal, effective up to 12-24 hours after swallowing. The ingestion of large quantities may present anti-cholinesterase effects.

Extinguishing media: Foam, dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, water fog. (Water runoff should be contained)
Special firefighting procedures: Combustible solid. On burning will emit toxic fumes. Respiratory and eye protection required for fire fighting personnel exposed to products of combustion or decomposition.
Fire and Explosion Hazards: Combustible solid. In common with many organic chemicals, may form flammable dust clouds in air.
Hazardous Combustion Products: Smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, methylamine, and small amounts of methyl isocyanate.

Spill: Make sure all personnel involved in the spill cleanup follow good industrial hygiene practices. A small spill can be handled routinely. Use adequate ventilation and wear respirator to prevent inhalation. Wear suitable protective clothing and eye protection to prevent skin and eye contact. Use the following procedure:

  1. Sweep up or vacuum, with an appropriate vacuum cleaner, spilled material, being careful not to create dust, and shovel sweepings into an open drum.
  2. Generously cover the contaminated areas with common, household detergent. Using a stiff brush and small amounts of water, work the detergent into the remaining spilled material forming a slurry. Brush the slurry into cracks and crevices and allow to stand for 2-3 minutes. Be careful to completely avoid skin and eye contact. Do not splatter on oneself or bystanders.
  3. Spread absorbents on the slurry liquid and shovel mixture into the  open drum.
  4. Repeat #2 and 3 if necessary.
  5. If practical, flush the area with water to a sewer serviced by a wastewater treatment facility.
  6. Seal drum and dispose of contaminated waste in a landfill permitted for hazardous waste.
  7. Large spills should be handled according to a spill plan. In emergency contact the manufacturer.
  8. If contamination of waterways has occurred, advise emergency services.